Distribution of Eid al-Fitr clothes to IDPs and host community in Dhamar city , 2020
Distribution Eid al-Fitr clothing to BNFs in Roma neighborhood, Haran and Ezzan zones
Male children :113, Female children:119 , women: 50 and Men:25
Distribution of Winter bags to IDPs in Dhamar city 2020.
120 +
840 +
Distribution of blankets and winter clothes in the city of Dhamar ( Azzan Zone – Roma Zone – Dhamar Hospital zone)
Urgent Shelter/Non-Food Items (NFIs) Support Project for IDPs - Dhamar City 2021
Distribution of in-kind aid packages Includes blankets, mattress
and kitchen set.
A health awareness campaign on the prevention of epidemic diseases in the city of Dhamar.
An awareness campaign for self-reliance in the city of Dhamar
Distribution of winter bags to IDPs in Dhamar city,2022. in AL-Tarbia camp (Al-Ghabra),
(Distribution of Eid al-Fitr cloths to the IDPs in the education camp (Al-Ghubra), Muhahamsheen and Poorest families in host community, Dhamar city, June 2023
The project of distribution of Eid al-Fitr cloths to the displaced in the education camp (Al-Ghubra) and to the host community families, Dhamar Governorate, in partnership with the Good DEED CHARITY Organization .
(Distribution of Eid al-Adha cloths to the IDPs in the education camp (Al-Ghubra) and Poorest families in host community, Dhamar city, June 2023
The project (Distribution of Eid al-Adha cloths to the IDPs in the education camp (Al-Ghubra) and host community families, Dhamar Governorate, in partnership with the
Good DEED CHARITY Organization
The project (Distribution of Eid al-Fitr cloths to the IDPs in 2 camps ( Jenin and Al-fatah ) ), and Poorest families in host community, Dhamar city, April 2024 2023
The project of distribution of cloths during Eid al-Fitr for the IDPs in 2 camps ( Jenin and Al-fatah ) and the host community, Dhamar Governorate, in partnership with the Good DEED CHARITY Organization